What is ART?
Accelerated Resolution Therapy is a remarkable new eye movement therapy that provides consistent and reliable relief in treating anxiety, phobias, addictions and trauma. I have been seeing outstanding results with this therapy since I started using it.
ART’s History
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)* is an innovative, exposure-based treatment and requires no homework or skills practice. ART is very specific, and the approach is more direct, compared to other types of therapies.
ART was developed in 2008 by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Laney Rosenzweig. Laney first used the ART technique successfully to treat a client with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) during a one-hour session.
Since then, the procedure has been refined to help individuals overcome issues related to Post-Traumatic Stress, physical and sexual abuse, depression, eating disorders, chronic pain, and many phobias.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy has been clinically demonstrated to resolve PTSD symptoms. ART is currently being used in four US Army hospitals, with more therapists at other military hospitals undergoing training. Significantly, ART has recently been recognized as an “evidence-based practice” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the Federal government.
Utilizes Existing Therapies
The ART protocol is a body-based, theoretically grounded modality using cognitive behavior therapy, Gestalt therapy, exposure therapy, imagery re-scripting, guided therapy and brief psychodynamic therapy.
ART involves imaginal and in-vitro exposure through visualization, relaxation techniques, combined with re-scripting of traumatic imagery using techniques like those used in cognitive therapies for insomnia and nightmares (Imagery Rehearsal Therapy). This process facilitates the separation (elimination) of physiological sensations associated with recall of traumatic experiences.
Basic Benefits
The overarching benefit is that the ART protocol works quickly. Brief treatment means a single clinician can work with a patient throughout every phase of treatment. The patient is in control of the procedure throughout the session. The clinician acts as a resource and guide to assist the patient through the treatment process.
Patients frequently report feeling comfortable and relaxed during their sessions. Discussion of specific memories is not required; the patient can choose whether to share traumatic scenes and experiences.
The procedure is exceptionally interactive and directed collaboratively by both the patient and the clinician. Clients do not focus on traumatic episodes between their treatment sessions, and no homework is required.
The completion rate for ART is considerably greater than that of previously accepted therapies used in treating PTSD. The procedure utilizes existing therapies.
It Just Works!
You can change how you feel about yourself, gain control over your symptoms, and live with a greater sense of ease with ART. In one session, you will know if this therapy can help you, and it’s very likely that it will.
Is ART for you?
Call me at (719) 645-7191 for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss how ART might be the modality you need to conquer your issues.
*(Parts taken from http://www.traumafocusedtherapy.com/art/)